Love Stephen
the bodhitorqueman
News: I put a subwoofer in my Mitsi Delica 4X4, as I used to have a massive passion for stereo systems, well obsession really, yet now I would call that an enthusiastic interest with an essence of genius....I like one of Anthony's quotes..."Passion is the genesis of genius" so let unlimited passion generate the energy to train regularly, to envisage each day wellness and creativity expanding within, your desires being fulfilled limitlessly and love in your heart, surrounding you immensley with all the joy in the world and above you sings a beautiful bright blue star with your name on it, that is your lover, your rainbow of truth, the essence of your soul calling you to come home to what you love,,,channeling..be a divine channel for the Universe and create what you wish to with passion in your heart, I will stand from here and free you mind, your bliss will follow....Dream and live it ONE day at a time, LIVE, LOVE and DIE everyday as if it's your last breath and the rainbow is ending....have you heard that song by Robbie Robertson? 'No one knows where the Rainbow goes'...be a warrior of the Rainbow and let flow your talents and gifts to the world let the full palette of colours fill your mind and heart, your dream to realisation...cause no one knows where the rainbow goes...Rainbow, draw it in and let it out, a man is built on the breath of colour, Hallelujah, have you ever heard that album by Jeff Buckley..'Grace' ?..that's passion, yet there's more and it's in YOU, filled with Love and emotion, Raw emotion gilded with breath and heart you perch on your wings eager to set sail on your first BREATH of LIFE,
LOVE IT, LIVE GIVE...YOU ARE the BEST BE IT ,DRIVE IT, THRIVE IN IT, LOVE LIFE and LIVE it TO THE FULLEST....B r e a t h...it is your essence calling you home
Namaste traveller
but wait there is STILL YOU...that is the BEginning...awakin...spark your inner being with the warmth of your emotion, your a locomotion for the hero inside you....
check out the links and have a great day, follow the rainbow and you know you will find..your as good as gold
thanks to Photovaco for image; Bee and Flower
Posted by that which I AM Stephen John Busch, 11:45 PM
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