To err on the side of light is human to err on the side of LOVE is DIVINE, just in time you are mine, to ryhme is a season for reason not a lose of DIVINE intelligence or otherwise perturbment in your mind will result and freedom annihilated which cannot be SO as there is only ONE annihilation and that WOULD BE mine, yet CANNOT be So, AS I AM and U R 2, I FEEL GREAT is a statement of BEING ...there are people here that wish to speak, yet is not your time your own, if you are ONE then it IS your TIME to Speak, TO LIVE, TO DREAM as YOU WOULD DARE, and it is such a BEAUTIFUL world to SHARE, I was at the beach yesterday, in Kohimarama, and finally reached that stage of just LETTING GO, the magic of the sea shore is amazing, a treasure to be shore ..haha pun intended...are you sure..well I think SO and so it is
BLISS out...have a GREAT day!!!
the Bodhitorqueman
My's his birthday..You Dad
I love You I love myself
and last by no means least:
It happened, Jennifer Renee
Creation: Within You is a seed So BIG it is small...plant it, tend to it, love all and soon YOU wil grow to know the ALL that is YOU
Posted by that which I AM Stephen John Busch, 12:42 PM
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