Merry Christmas 2 U one and ALL, love the Lite, and burn brite!! Well I've just been down to Tok, went down through Hamilton and checked out the ol L'Post (Listening Post), my old haunt back in the 90s..Passion ..for sure!!
I strapped a double bed on the roof of the Delica using tie downs...what a wonderous invention; and thanks! to the kind individual that loaned them to us rock...! 4 sure!!
Yeah so the L'Post ; Romesh is doing a major listening to some cool soundz thru Foobar while iluminating this the make over ,He's in 50 Church Rd, whilst manifestation is IN ACTION...Bionic!! ABsoul-utely. What's love got to do with IT ...EVERYthing !!Romesh and Paul always loved their sounds...or the X-factor ...the spirit of life...that's what's playin...Tina Turner...what's Love ...
Which reminds me...ahhh later, back to the trip, thought about monstering the Delica...and how it's the moments that are massively awesome...those take your breath away ..or connection with the God factor ...the X-factor MOments, that aren't Mintees moments, yet the REAL essence of living and loving your passionate LIFEstyle fulfillingly....Christmas haha, heard what's that guy's name ??? off Love Actualy singing his version of the Christmas song...whilst I was at the BP in's a great version...
(here is a link to buy the album and/or Disc ).
Blue Coast Records recording of 'I'm just look'n for a Home'; Patrick sent me a few different versions (downloadable formats) to give my feedback on, DSD rocks!! Merry Christmas Patrick and all the Team at Blue Coast Records!.
Here's a link to the track.
Read the full ARTicle...HERE
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