Let Love in Essence...

BE the Wind Beneath Your WINGS xxoo

Saturday, September 4, 2021

One Awakens, thrives

 like the sun streaming through the consciousness of vision ...a perpetual sunrise opens the minds eye to reason beyond reason. Evocation , prevelation , supination, senses reveal something beyond senses.

Does this help you on a day to day basis? ...what is a day to day basis? ...exactly ...it is a perpetuation of consciousness ...when each moment as a sentient evocation ...evokes what ? ..watt ..power? ..walt disney  haha ? passion ...derivation ...extermination ...of doubt and perpetual undoing haha ....to becoming ..to loving you 4 U ...yes you you divine being ...in all your graciousness ...goodness gracious me ...great balls of fire ..haha .

Choice , the choice to reveal WHO YOU ARE ..by sentience ....by kindness to each soul we reveal our own to be none other than love in essence ....is that enough? 

if I AM asking the question ...obviously not ...does that mean I am ungrateful ...words on a page mi friends ...pixels on a screen ...the vision divine ...mus be sublime ...whu doesn't like lime ..how can you sub for that ...would you even want to ...?

Interpretation of life is a bit of a saving grace...yet if this is needed at or is one really conscious ...awakened ...thriving ...for indeed ...the seeed is passion innate ...and if you are the seed of the ONE ..

..this has to BE FUN ...YES ...YES ..YES!!!


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