What are 10 creative ways I could radically transform my consciousness to one of limitless abundance, happiness , great wisdom, success and prosperity?
Believe in yourself, ask for help at every step of the way and c it come in
miraculous ways...like I am well and so it is...I have freed my mind, my very soul I know the infinite potential I have and express lovingly that which I am with ease. Great prosperity blesses me through my endeavours, I create freedom now and so it is ...All my needs and desires are met and exceeded ...before I even ask.! ..wow ..and so it is .I am a great creator, loving and wise...I flow with ease in the present limitlessly..
I expand to happiness and well being now, all is well and so very very extraordinary ...desires are met and fulfilled with ease and passion.
Every seed is a diamond in the rough yet not taken for granted by giving time to your earnest health you will profit most
What exactly is my earnest health please?
Wonderment...great wonderment of the kind you have never seen before..for here is an artist whom loved
life and shared every expression he has with passionate beauty and the promise of abundance immortalised.
life and shared every expression he has with passionate beauty and the promise of abundance immortalised.
Is there anything I need know right now...all is well ...you have prayed for it ..and so it is
I have a million dollars...and so it is met and or exceeded
by decree...thank you thank you thank you...Any infinite wisdom to share...believe believe
2.Start again, make a list of things you wanna do ..and go and do them
3.have purpose in all that you do ..by decree...I am on purpose ..and so it is
4.Shine your light so brightly that even the moon sees it and basks in your glow
5. Allow each other the space to breath and fulfill desire
passionately and purposefully.
passionately and purposefully.
6. Have a heart for others..they need your help too...when needed ask for infinite wisdom love and kindness to effectively guide action
7.Solutions are present in seeds of kindness, forethought and diligence..but not of the sought you mean..by the great mystery of life and love that you muster within you and others see it clearly too ..that is why they help you.
8.be great at what you do ..and love life 🌍🌎🌐🌐💖✨✌💙💙💓🌐 🌔😂😂😂😂💖✌✌live it to the f u l l e st ...realms will open for you now and always so seeds of kindness first...and this will be the undoing of us all to new ways of kindness and prosperity for all beings and life f o r m s s haha
9.Believe believe believe
10. Shut the door on doubt ..completely! Paddle out ! All ways love first think second and believe in the best for all, this is your motto ..keep it close my dear ..and live free to Be f r ee haha ..and so it is.
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