In every season is reason to grow and let go, ..let go winter is there a let go...yes one lets go to embrace change, to see a new sunrise is to let go of the old....even though it is the same sun...yet no doubt like one is, so be it with the sun...ever brighter each day...yet ney a source of warmth and light ...steadfastness, consistency, unwaveringness ... the elements for growth, decay and birth would seem to be harmonistic.... yet one is one with right of passage to any assembly, perpetuity...for it is the GezA ...the soul ... Love that gives birth to reason ...and the final awakening is one of ...
Really, yes really how would love act in this moment ...there is no act, no moment ...just love
Like a sandwich...yes ..of decide the filling ...but not the flavour...that ! is up to Soul ! ....are yoU !! S o u l FULL !! ... I say y e AHH soulful lover ... Indeed ..
Self acceptance, approval ..of the highest ..and realising no height exists without base when yoU pitch yoUR tEnT ..know ! IT IS errected ! WELL with
Passion.., with S O U L .... whole 💝
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