Let Love in Essence...

BE the Wind Beneath Your WINGS xxoo

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Relinquishing doubt

Love in essence do you have something one would love to share

Believe in yourself always ...that is the message

how is everyone? ...I guess one has to look at the oneness to validate that?...what do you feel?

Veganism? ...no it's not the only way.....what do you feel honour's the one , love itself or one's own divinity, the essence of all so to speak ..?

I know that flys, all manifestations of 'life' ...what about rock ...and mineral...the very elements, ...electrons, atoms, molecules....the space within and of them.... living ...alive ...what constitutes life...energy ...what about a ...what I have previously thought ...a 'dead' leaf

Love in essence ...are fallen leaves ...sentient ...living?

for a time...then inertia takes over ...and they become impartial to life and absorbed by the one

Absorbed by the one? ...composted for life itself is renewing all the time

What is life itself?  Wonderment ..beyond and beyond what you know and understand.., the very fabric of reality is not what you understand it to be ..but divine in essence

So manipulated by instruction?


seeems a bit simplistic ....... would you like it more confusing ? ...no

then that is why it is so

So what is intention?      ...a byproduct of self doubt ...like bile ...haha
So thoughtfulness is an inept  excerssion

What if I was wrong ...or you were wrong...? All is one re-member  So there is no wrong....correct in essence ...yet subjugation depicts it to be another way....rules? correct....in essence  ...yet they are bendable ...like physics, physicality itself is fluid ...so so are r u  l e s ....R fantastic four is on tonight haha   ..no thursday is a day of conceding will and bending physicality...like the mind itself can be bent or changed right?   ...well what is the mind?

Consciousness in aberition, determinance ...itself....like a halo of the self...correct...why? ....why not ...you want to have fun don't you?....then that's what it's there for...

What do you see or give meaning to fun as ? masturbation, fucking, the freedom to do what i want , when I want whenever I want with whom ever I want ...for as long as I want haha...that's a lot of wanting....you asked

Ok ... does that serve my best interests, synergistically also the best for all, wellbeing and harmony...or is that one and the same?


It tastes like tasty wheat...but is it?

After this, ...wow looks ...amazing
see below

I edited the stuff on the first link I followed from a youtube ad...here is the edited link...

YES! https://www.masterclass.com/classes/martin-scorsese-teaches-filmmaking

Serious...haha ...watch the trailer....this ain't a trailer park !!!!!

So tasty wheat ...is it real ...

Walking the path ...is different to knowing the path

Go where there is know path ...and leave magic that imbues the wisdom of being ,..beyond a condom haha

https:///classes/martin-scorsese-teaches-filmmaking ..Do it !! and C    Nigh Key ❤️ ðŸ˜€


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