Let Love in Essence...

BE the Wind Beneath Your WINGS xxoo

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Kindness and wealth

The best of friends, could they even co-exist ...what...co-thrive I mean haha as in that miracool of the NOW we all have 'a' and 'b' choice ...so BE choice!! ..to ...then U have no choice but to be AWEsome yoU ...yes U!!...yet kindly...there's NO 'force' HERE, not in the now, not in the kindNESS or the WILDerNESS...jus you and me and dog named blu...or woz that a CAT

So KINDNESS is a prerequisite to wealth, visa vis really as wealth is also prerequisite to friend KINdness...what if we have an argument...then fuk U we're outta here ...friends pooohy :D : D haha

Well that's where the MAGIC comes in, yes she woz a cat, no not black haha tabby ...tabetha..possibly?!? :D :D ha

Hong kong foohy...i remember that,,,funny, YES ,,the wealth of kindness is fun, and extraordinary FUN ...like YESman at that!

KNOW man NO man, so what you don't knOW...that's MAN...KIND

YEt if yoU want to get to KNow...be IT and that will change your life, to wealth, health, happiness, hippiness...magic that's where it's at ....THE REALM

so the 9 realms, know the 1 ...cause that's the Real...m, reflect ...to c double u (w)...so what is double U , twice as fun, twice as free, totally free to be ...is that wealthy?!?

So are they friends? they are omnipresent in their own actuality ...so have a relationship of interdependence, yet independent....so they're like humans yoU mean....know,,no...LIKE Souls...physical



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