Let Love in Essence...

BE the Wind Beneath Your WINGS xxoo

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Greatness now

Hi Beings of love and light, full of energy and AMbition...full throttle...or take it EASSYYY...yeaaahhhhh said the sloth...jus before he jumped into his sportscar...FLASH dance ...haha U betCHA CHA.
So ...what are U Up 2 2day? ...same as YES2day..mmmm ...Ground hog day...is it really THAT SIMple...do U need A sim Card to get it RIGHT or R there NONE LEFT...well we discussed YES2day that U deserve the BEST,,, and IN FACT LIFE IS FOR U...YES!!!!

Memory...jus What IS IT,,,your RAM drive loaded on your Sim CARd...or is it a SEAt BElt,,, so if you see IT BEE HAPPY DRIVE FAST & LOOOVVVVVEEEEEE LIFE....
CAUSE$ it's 4 U baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha

Monday, December 19, 2016

Happiness and Jubilation

haha...Once upon a time there was a man named jack..he had a beanstork that went wack ..nahh jus jo king...and as it did ...he thought ...this is meant to help me climb,,or is it magic in that the beans are seeds of the great journey to the one light...yet does that mean we're in the dark?
Probably not ...yet if it did..what would that mean..your average ..or a bit below par
i think that beans grow in the dark first...like the womb....yet there is probably a lot of light there, like Kirlian photography reveals about life energy...
All is energy ...Joyous energy ,
Flow freely through life ~ Anonymous ...or was that a noni mouse...a mouse high on noni juice jizzle me dizzle ...haha probably :)

So what are you up to?

Is every thing going well for you?... leave a note, and if not me the multi uni loony verse 'll REply ...yeah babby ...U deserve it !!!!!
What ever u want ...cause that is what life is FOR...it's FOR yoU  ...yes YOU ;)

When we know we're deserving there's a certain peace thjat comes over one's beingness...one's emptiness is filled by the vast nevering wonderland of the now ...YES right NOW....
and so it IS..Namaste travellers....where are you going....nowhere fast ..too fast too serious haha
...I'll c u there,, just jo king.
Beautiful sun HERE today...for todaayyy ...I'll remember your smile :)

Happiness is like a tree...the more seeds you sow....the more chances to grow...and share the love in leaves or who stays...yet as time goes ...they will all go...unless your evergreen, and then well Jubilation for UUU haha

so did you think of what you want? ...ye s if you liken to what I felt....I felt like I have everything , or complete already...how cool is THAT...that's the T HAT to wear...well actually I am wearing a green hat ...hot as fuck ...dial down the sun ...ahhhhh coool baby ...thankx

Hot as fuck...what sort ...how hot is a fuck...well yes can be hot...yet that is the hotness of desire manifest in love and passion....yeah baby serve that up hahaha...thank yoU

So the vernacular rendering could well be ....my my tis a tad warm out...re-member your Green hat yoU crazily Happy Jubilant fellow ...you deserve the best , and U R IT

Life is for ME, and LOVE IS TOO, and for YOU, BEcause YES..U R LOVE....there is no denying that you came as a baby whole and complete...loved just as you were,,,,and that has NEVER CHANGED.....BELIEVE IT.....OR NOT....this is NOT A RIPLEY"S story...or is IT haha,,, perhaps it is ,,,,,the talented one within will show you the very TrUtH

what did you hear?

ShArE if you SO wisH
thank you

I here nothing!!!...BUT I KNOW I AM LOVE....so fine, so divine,
Love baby tis smoking HOT ..tissshhhh ...YES HOOTT!
Cool just in TIME for BLISSNESS ...well I meant CHRISTMAS...yet I believe the reason CHRISTMAS falls outside of the actual birthdate of Jesus is to re-mind us of the non-linearity of measuring time linearly...make sense?....specifically if time is non existent and there is only ever NOW ...which is really a state of BEINGness which is why if your in BLISSNESS, no need for christmas ...except for fun ...to dance and run, I think it says the message of love is timeless of  deep divine UNCONDITIONAL...yes UNBOUNDED without END

If it seems like baloney ...probably is...yet if it doesn't...your welcome, yet it seems a bit of a strain to write.....yep flow freely ...ALL is energy JOYOUS ENERGY...

Well have a great day Earthlings, Andromedans, and anyone else listening in, albeit reading my mind , heart and or soul

Happy Christmas lovers
deck the halls with bells of holly ly...tral a lal a la haha

Saturday, November 5, 2016


What is it, where did it come from and who/whom has it, how would one come by it ...if so of one's choosing....and is it still love in essence..

Wow;; 😃😋😄 lot of quest-i-ons ....that's what eye like...a clear vision...ney ..a righteousness haha...
Independence is not a vertical analysis, it is action in means of the journey ..
Action creates independence.

What r u saying that faith and action , r independence...I guess your right, in U (love) ::) de (of) pendence (act-i-on...the free dick ti on offers slope and or inclination as a descriptor de meaning mmm...let's have another looookie said the Wookieepedia...
Origins: pendent, so the act of undecidedness, which in essence is another way of viewing an inclination....I'm in clined to agree, yet does it feel right...or is it left wing judgement bestowed upon thee as writeousness haha aft er all there is pen in there...jus need a pal 2 right too)

In summary music will save your ass, if you shake it,
Independence ⊙ shak'n your ass to the com-pass of love in essence...if that be yoUr in-ner slope and or INcliNATION

Sow inDEpendence... IS A WAY, there are infinite...yet love 're-mains trU 2 the course of SAIL set...so
choose your sails WELL mi amigos, ,,and breathe in the fire of earthly dust....and yee shall BE made in heaven

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Your Soul Expression

Love is always the way,,, and all ways ...always sea love in your ways and there WILL be.
So who do U want to be, does your soul agree...is there even a choice there...or is it limitless opportunity....YES ...you know it it is...all is possible and inDEED PRObable here ...de love in essence.
Wow...so I can be anything ..anyOne..I want 2 BE?
Aye eye... Cap'n...master of your fate ..and Captain of yoUr SOUL u be ...love in essence is here to help U...all ways , and always 💏💖😃😋💖
So be the best U can b, and by golly that IS something...I c it...and U will too...that faith is great within YOU

..now sparkle and have fUn...yoU R the 'one'
You ARE STRONG...very STRONG...because LOVE is strong ...stronger than anything...and anyOne
...that is the soul we speak of
...love in essence...and that IS within you, like a fountain....drink and drink STRONG...
And love well.. mi amigos..
Now leeme go,😃
Namaste,,,namago, yet I will stay In love, so I WILL be hOMe,,,and you R welcOMe
Torq, the bodhitorque man

Monday, July 18, 2016


Welcome , if you are new 2
Love in essence here on Bodhi torque.

Soulscapes are fleshy indulgent places we play in...they can be called alternate realities ..like U and I ..or O and E haha...

If U'll  NOtice....they are vowels ...A 😃😃😛

Pass me a towel...I need to remove that vowel from my bowel hahaha

So what eXactly R soulscapes,,yes ..lovescapes

Monday, June 13, 2016

Accessing the Infinite

Sure it's that easy ...we know..BUT ..what R U gonna do with it...??

Activate subliminal personalities, divine guidance systems....wouldn't you just have FUN with IT, knowing IT IS YOU in essence...love in essence....AND just HAVE FUN....

YES REAL FUN...the sTUFF that Makes U ...rollick with laughter, from a kind heart and PURPOSEFUL soul

So there it IS,,..laughter 101 ...the secret to sUccess ~ Michael J. Fox or was that Fantastic Mr. Fox ...in ACTUal fACT ~ Dr. Torq Lovewell

People come to me from all over the world and beyond, there vibration is ecstasy ..and I LOVE IT, so well that I AM THE ONE CREATING IT...and SO IT IS

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Torq Rises

Torq rises, from the deep of his soul, an avalanche of conscious awareness...the brotherhood of man seek to speak:
from a distance we can observe but only through your hand can we write ...
each time a vessel comes to us we unite in great glory for it is the beginning of mans conscious awareness growing more into what he thou is fully endowed with
Let's begin...trumpets blaze ...followers arrive by their droves....because you are sure of yourself,,,,ney ,,because U R the 'one'
Begin to c that!
And U will REALISE  your dreams,,,a whole lot better than when your on your own
Can you explain
Sure, it's like a car chasing a car, whether you pass or not ..there are still two cars...no oneness...yet if they work together ..like the fast and the furious...no like the diplomatic and the relational...
To what end...to make life better.
what do you want to do today?
Yes U do
Fuck some chicks!!
Begin...say it in your mind
I am fucking chicks I love ,,,and helping them access unlimited power and love, lightness in power ,,,,and all that is ...for the betterment of All
and so it is!!!
Doesn't quite sound right ...lightness in power??
a love you take lightly ...not getting hung up

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Kindness and wealth

The best of friends, could they even co-exist ...what...co-thrive I mean haha as in that miracool of the NOW we all have 'a' and 'b' choice ...so BE choice!! ..to ...then U have no choice but to be AWEsome yoU ...yes U!!...yet kindly...there's NO 'force' HERE, not in the now, not in the kindNESS or the WILDerNESS...jus you and me and dog named blu...or woz that a CAT

So KINDNESS is a prerequisite to wealth, visa vis really as wealth is also prerequisite to friend KINdness...what if we have an argument...then fuk U we're outta here ...friends pooohy :D : D haha

Well that's where the MAGIC comes in, yes she woz a cat, no not black haha tabby ...tabetha..possibly?!? :D :D ha

Hong kong foohy...i remember that,,,funny, YES ,,the wealth of kindness is fun, and extraordinary FUN ...like YESman at that!

KNOW man NO man, so what you don't knOW...that's MAN...KIND

YEt if yoU want to get to KNow...be IT and that will change your life, to wealth, health, happiness, hippiness...magic that's where it's at ....THE REALM

so the 9 realms, know the 1 ...cause that's the Real...m, reflect ...to c double u (w)...so what is double U , twice as fun, twice as free, totally free to be ...is that wealthy?!?

So are they friends? they are omnipresent in their own actuality ...so have a relationship of interdependence, yet independent....so they're like humans yoU mean....know,,no...LIKE Souls...physical


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Sweet Dreams

A sweet dream...or a sweeter dream, haha which would you choose. As we're so creative, you'd probably say I am the sweetest dream, made real...and so it IS

The Freeway

Wow what an amazing time to be 'on planET' haaha...when I say 'time' I really mean parabolic FUNtion...as it's fun to BE right...Left is Bodhi Torque term IN-OLoG for the horiZontal departure

...the flower of life scenario when U actUalise the immortal Unconditional BEing

Love IN essence ....now a quick LOG ..well what is Quic ...yes an amazing drink from the 7ties ..ohhh U tease Nooo 4 arial real ...In the mood for a melody ????!!

Well that was an interlude to the HorizONtial Plant....thanks Robert...your awesomeness ...there is no turn back...on the run....from FUN.

My love is in League with the Freeway ....so much so that it IS 'the way' ...and FREE to BE that which I AM...an honorable sun....a humble son, a delightful ONE....perhaps.

with certainty ....persistence, passion, relaxedness, blisss,  kiss ...it feeels like hOMe ...like a 'freeway' ...ohhhh my love....is in league with the freeway..