Let Love in Essence...

BE the Wind Beneath Your WINGS xxoo

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Love in Essence appostlehood

anointed we stand , divided we fall
yet where do we fall...here and the now , so to fall is to in essence to rise
yet are we Fall'n or R we just HERE
YES to fall in love is the epitome of success
would you take that chance

that's to love, that is all you need, to say YES to LOVE now
and you will rise to be anointed with your friends and loved ones...as he is

what about the animals
glad u asked, they are anima ..with soul, humans R not, yet are loved all the same, as we rise...so do they
You see the difference
what is man here for,
You do
to reclaim his soul
how does he do that
to love
that simple
what is real unconditional love
love in essence
what is love in essence
the finding of oneself
in the self knowledge of I am love and always will be
what is the self
the soul
what is knowledge
the knowing of self as soul
what is the soul
oneself anointed ..as one
one what
one man one woman in love but not together apart forever until they realise what they R to be proceeded by
kindness first
passion second
favoured ness inbetween
you mean children yes
can you explain,
you are a man, how do you know
i have a dick
do you use it
not as much as I'd like to
go forth boldness has power magic and genius in it

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Magic muse

the poetry of kindness is unwritten

Friday, April 21, 2017

Getting Your ZEST Back NOW

What..you zesty mother fucka ..haha ..YES U ...great to hear from you on such a level playing field...YES U mean the one of LEVEl BEst'ness


what you mean like NIKE ...just Do IT

CORrEct.... what about Just do it later !!! haha....we're torq'n ZESTY, and we don't want to be late for our own party ...so it's really a NOw kinda ding...ding ding right.

So what is your level best....Your personal best...., It could be tying your own shoe laces voila...your on the path to achievement and eXcellence ...take pride in what you do ,and pride will do u too...

love,luv LOVE
Stephen, aka Torq, the Bodhitorque man xxooOh

Friday, April 14, 2017


Yes....R E A L eyes ehh shun ...that which your I's have made REAL to an optronic sensuality....so you mean porn basically....correct haha

Porn of course being point of realisation now....so how has your day....what .....w...double you...are there 2 of U...just ONE...yet for the purpose ....YES ..COMMUNIcatIon....... ...com m U n I c a ti on....yet if you come FREE....whats
's 2 tie.... your shoe laces.... go bare...go bear go there...your naked soul...sole ...bare your feet....feat 2 bare yoUr ....

who says yoUr heart IS yours....U Du ...wHAT ...is that sOMe

VuDu voo dooooo .....view ..Do


and C HAPPY ,,, happy Gilmore U mean....know he's a hockey player ....hu doesn't like playing with their stick, and hitting that hOMe TrU and HARD

Torq  xxxxxxxxooooooooooooo

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Thrive now

First or second, are they not variables of the same 'ness' ...meaning time or alleviate density.. whereas would U concern yourself ...of course one would wish concernlessness  ...unless for the betterment or blissness de autre .YES ....
haha...worth it! ...totally..confidence YES

YES U can ; and I AM haha Aha