Let Love in Essence...

BE the Wind Beneath Your WINGS xxoo

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

L'amour comme l'art

Thank you for running in, passionart *'s vu
..haha    (remember ..love AS art, so this would be a worthy inclusion)
What a ride...rise 4 your raison d'etre ..'sure'lee there IS that passion de calling...what that's your smart phone..
of course it's smart and loving wealthy, healthy and prosperous...else why else would se connect tu 💗

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Growing to knowing

No ing...what do u mean...nah your not mean or average,,,,bUt FANTASTIC....so growing is KNOWing...THAT U R more than you are ...and as you become more than U R ...well of course you are joyful, fulfilled and destined 4 GREATNESS...fore ward ...yet wooaaahhh GREATness & PASSion innate I SAy,  as is desmassive , the essential UPgrade de des'tiny'....which can be as editAble comme raison d'etre...or simply c'n tiny as massive...cept when it comes to boobs..

Sow I know you R wonderful, beautiful, and well quite desirable in your own 'way'...yawn...yakty yak haha
Your 'own' way ...would that be your parents way, or their parents, ad infunitum ....YES FUN 'IS' haha away ...and NEEDS to have your back ...free of lack.....what you 'know' NOT of such gracious ...GRACIOUS'ness' U R bUt oneder UpOn ONEder ....mmm eye 'won'der know more...yet when is enuff knowing enough...yes when U FLOW in LOVE, in FREEDOM and compassion...

Love, Luv, LOVE <3 , Y, C

Torq Lovewell